Friday, November 30, 2012

Goodbye and Hello!

As I gear up for today (waterproof socks, waterproof boots, rain pants, rain coat, fleece hat, gloves) I realize what an amazing 3 months it has been.  The time has flown by and I have loved every minute.  My hard drive is filled with photos of dogs in every form of play, my clothing is covered in fur,  picking fur out of my food seems as natural as brushing my teeth and my legs ache from daily climbs.   But I am going to MISS these guys!!!
Because my friends it is the LAST day of November and tomorrow he arrives.  Not by sleigh and reindeer and it isn't Saint Nick - Michael and Danielle are making their way north ready to take the rains (whoops reins and rains) by storm (oh the weather might be getting to me) and keep the adventure going.

So out the door I go to run these dogs for the final time - take care everyone and we'll see you all soon!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Kate from just one of your many furry friends, Love Pebbles.
